Select: Platform to choose your broker

soumya choubey


Visual Designer

UX Researcher

UX Designer

Adobe Illustrator


Designing select was my first big project as a UI/UX designer at my first job. The lines were blurred in the design process with no design team in place, and my CTO was the all-in-one product guy who helped me with his continuous feedback.
Timeline 8 weeks
Platform Web
Collaboration Project manager | Engineering | CTO

About the company

Finology is a fintech startup that strives to disrupt traditional investing by making it affordable & accessible to everyone while simultaneously putting the brakes on standard financial advice and respecting everyone’s individuality. They are making financial planning as easy as opening a social media account! What is Select?
It is a platform that helps people choose their stockbroker and open their Demat account with no amount of friction and at most transparency. With the help of advanced features and unbiased reviews on Select, people can open an investment account that suits their needs and get rewarded.
Select is one of the products of Finology One, that helps people who are investing in the stock market to choose their broker hassle-free and get rewarded for opening their Demat account.
It also shortlists top brokers according to the unique taste of a user. It does so through a tap-and-answer questionnaire, unbiased reviews, ratings, and personalized wishlists. It helps users calculate exact brokerage and other transactional costs before executing any transaction, and one can also compare the charges and essential information of top brokers.
Disclaimer: I have used “we” in many places that denote the whole team who have worked on this project and, at times, our company.
Hero section
Hero section
Featured brokers
Featured brokers
Full view of broker
Full view of broker

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Posted Oct 22, 2024

Soumya designed a customizable dashboard that allowed users to efficiently manage data, resulting in higher client satisfaction rates.








Visual Designer

UX Researcher

UX Designer

Adobe Illustrator


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