Fungi Foundation Web Development & Design

Erik Wiktor Bogren


Web Designer

Web Developer



Design & Development of the worlds first NGO for Fungi

Fungi Foundation is a NGO that enable the world to understand the opportunities & wonders of Fungi. They work with explorations, discovery, documentation and preservation of the Fungi kingdom.
I worked together with Fungi Foundation to bring a new website to life, showcasing all the amazing work they are doing.

Home Page

Landing on the homepage I wanted to create a strong & powerful feeling, while keeping it modern and timeless. The home page also includes information on why people should read more, what Fungi is doing for the world and the partners helping them along the way
Hero Block
Hero Block
Program & Initiatives
Program & Initiatives
Details. including "Fungus of the day" that show a new fungus & information every day
Details. including "Fungus of the day" that show a new fungus & information every day


Fungi is often mentioned in the press. I built a database containing mentions, files & videos to showcase all buzz around them

Why Fungi?

A place where you can read more about the wonders of Fungi, and also deep dive in to specific subjects


The goals pages include information about Fungi's goals, the work they already completed & interactive maps where they have been


The blog is an important part of Fungi's website. This allows them to post updates, discoveries & recaps of all their work!

Team, Board & Advisors

This pages are all about the amazing people who make this possible! Here you will find the team, board, advisors & volunteers. You can read more about them, visit their socials, see their blog posts & even interact with the dynamic map showcasing where the team is located.

And that's not all!

This website contains a great amount of information, more than I could ever show here. If you want to explore the website further, please use the link below!

Thank you for viewing!

If you like this project & would like to know how I can help you bring your ideas to life, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! I'll happily hop on a free 30-minute consultancy call to see how I can help bring your project to life!
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Posted Mar 19, 2024

Web design & Webflow development for Fungi Foundation






Web Designer

Web Developer



Erik Wiktor Bogren

Product design & web dev, no-code expert 🚀

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