

Fullstack Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS


a "Special" social media platform for annoying twitter people who like to scream their pointless views on other people faces

Screamer Project - Local Development Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps to run the Screamer project locally on your machine.

Prerequisites (server)

Before running the project, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

.NET SDK 7.0 or later

SQL Server (or SQL Server Express) with a new database created named 'Screamer'

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to set up and run the Screamer project:

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

Build the project:

dotnet build

Update the configuration settings:

Open the appsettings.json file located in the Screamer.WebApi project.

Update the following sections with your own values:

"CloudinarySettings": { "CloudName": "YOUR_CLOUD_NAME", "ApiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY", "ApiSecret": "YOUR_API_SECRET" }, "ConnectionStrings": { "ScreamerDbConnection": "YOUR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING" }, "EmailSettings": { "ApiKey": "YOUR_EMAIL_API_KEY", "FromAddress": "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS", "FromName": "YOUR_EMAIL_NAME" }, "JwtSettings": { "Key": "YOUR_JWT_SECRET_KEY", "Issuer": "YOUR_JWT_ISSUER", "Audience": "YOUR_JWT_AUDIENCE", "DurationInMinutes": YOUR_JWT_DURATION_IN_MINUTES }, "Serilog": { "MinimumLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Override": { "Microsoft": "Warning", "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information" } }, "WriteTo": [ { "Name": "File", "Args": { "path": "./logs/log-.txt", "rollingInterval": "Day" } } ] }, "Google": { "ClientId": "YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID", "ClientSecret": "YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET" }, "Facebook": { "AppId": "YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID", "AppSecret": "YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET" }, "Algolia": { "ApplicationId": "YOUR_ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID", "APIKey": "YOUR_ALGOLIA_API_KEY" }

Apply database migrations:

Open a terminal and navigate to the Screamer.Persistence directory:

cd Screamer.Persistence

Run the following command to apply database migrations:

dotnet ef migrations add newInitialMigrations --project ../Screamer.Persistence.csproj --startup-project ../Screamer.WebApi.csprojdotnet ef database update --project ../Screamer.Persistence.csproj --startup-project ../Screamer.WebApi.csproj

##Run the application:

Open a terminal and navigate to the Screamer.WebApi directory:

cd Screamer.WebApi

Run the following command to start the application:

dotnet watch run

Access the application:

Open a web browser and navigate to


to access the Screamer application. That's it! You have successfully set up and run the Screamer project locally on your machine. Enjoy!

Prerequisites (client)

Before getting started, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

Node.js (version 18.16.1 or higher)

Angular CLI (version 16 or higher)

Navigate to the project directory:

cd Screamer.AngularUI

Install project dependencies:

npm install --force

Start the development server:

ng serve

Open your web browser and navigate to


to see the running application.


Fix The Sign Up Going To Profile Isuue

fix the edit avatar stuff

fix user not signing out after deleting db

fix cover upload buttons

fix the damn image upload change

fix the navbar avatar showing

add gender and date and country dtuff

fix pagination

fix profile tabs colors

refactor both profile settings and profile

Fix the typing issue

Fix the chat layout

add send message or create room

fix the empty spots

complete the settings stuff

add real time views change

add real time added posts

work on modals ui because they look blank

add custom validation

fix google button style

oauth signin still have tons of issues and bugs

fix auth settings ui

fix “your profile” drop down on signin

fix verify email button

fix the delete my account logic

add the deleting zith relationship button

dockerize it


Home | ng-gallery (

video upload cloudinary

move sidebard to main app

fix dropdowns

fixed editor

fix clicking away modal

creating post moodtype issue

recheck chat the query stuff seems fishy

add tags and mentions notifications

change password for social auth users

chat is a mess

maybe add video chat

store and show notifications

fix the 404 server to client logic

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