Statistical Characteristics of the Temporal Spectrum of Scatter…

Nika Tugushi


Data Scientist


Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences | Volume 05 | Issue 01 | April 2023
Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences
1. Introduction
This paper reports a study of the features of radio
wave propagation in the equatorial ionosphere of
the Earth. The relevance of the work is determined
by the wide use of decameter and decimeter radio
Nika Tugushi, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 0128, Georgia; Email:
Received: 2 February 2023 | Revised: 6 March 2023 | Accepted: 13 March 2023 | Published Online: 13 April 2023
Jandieri, G., Tugushi, N., 2023. Statistical Characteristics of the Temporal Spectrum of Scattered Radiation in the Equatorial Ionosphere. Journal
of Environmental & Earth Sciences. 5(1): 85-94. DOI:
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Bilingual Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Statistical Characteristics of the Temporal Spectrum of Scattered
Radiation in the Equatorial Ionosphere
George Jandieri 1
, Nika Tugushi2*
1 1VSB—Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, 70800, Czech Republic
2 Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 0128, Georgia
On the basis of the solution of the space-time characteristic system by the method of geometric optics using
symbolic calculations, analytical and numerical simulation of the propagation of the ordinary and extraordinary radio
waves in the conducting equatorial ionospheric plasma was made considering the anisotropy of plasma irregularities
and non-stationary nature of propagation medium. Broadening of the spectrum and the displacement of its maximum
contain velocity of a turbulent plasma ow and parameters characterizing anisotropic plasmonic structures. Statistical
moments of both radio waves do not depend on the absorption sign and are valid for both active and absorptive random
media. Temporal pulsations and conductivity of a turbulent ionospheric plasma have an inuence on the evaluation of
the spectrum-varying propagation distances travelling by these waves. The new double-humped effect in the temporal
spectrum has been revealed for the ordinary wave varying anisotropy coefcient and dip angle of stretched plasmonic
structures. From a theoretical point of view, the algorithms developed in this work allow effective modelling of the
propagation of both radio signals in the equatorial conductive ionospheric plasma, considering the external magnetic
eld, inhomogeneities of electron density in-homogeneities, as well as non-stationary.
Keywords: Electromagnetic waves; Turbulence; Statistical characteristics; Waves propagation; Atmosphere;
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Posted Sep 15, 2024

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Data Scientist


Nika Tugushi

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