Temporal Spectrum of a Scattered Electromagnetic Waves in the C…

Nika Tugushi


Data Analyst


Collision Turbulent Magnetized Plasma
G. Jandieri1, A. Ishimaru2, B. Rawat3, and N. Tugushi4
1International Space Agency Georgian Society, GTU, Tbilisi, 0160, Georgia
2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195, USA
3Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, 89557-0260,USA
4Department of Physics, Tbilisi State University, I. Chavchavadze av., 1, Tbilisi, 0128, Georgia
Corresponding author: N. Tugushi (e-mail: tugushinika96@gmail.com).
ABSTRACT Using WKB method the peculiarities of the temporal spectrum of an ordinary and
extraordinary electromagnetic wave scattered in a weakly randomly inhomogeneous three-dimensional
nonstationary and conductive magnetized plasma are investigated. On the basis of the stochastic differential
transport equation for the frequency fluctuation the broadening and the displacement of the temporal
spectrum for both waves are obtainedfor the polar terrestrial ionosphere. These statistical characteristics
contain anisotropic parameters: velocity of a plasma stream, conductivitiesof the ionosphere, elongated
electron density irregularities are characterized by the anisotropy factor and inclination angle with respect
to the geomagnetic lines of forces. The analysis of the power spectrum of the waves as a function of the
propagation distance and the nondimensional frequency parameter containing the carrier frequency and
characteristic temporal scale of electron density fluctuations are carried out. Analytical and numerical
calculations have shown that the terrestrial conductivity and anisotropy factors exert a substantial influence
on evaluationof the temporal spectrum than the inclination angle. It was foundthat the wave spectrum
increases initially as the square root of the propagation distance, but at large distances it approaches a
limiting value. Statistical moments of a scattered ordinary and extraordinary waves do not depend on an
absorption sign and valid for both absorptive and active media.
INDEX TERMS Statistical moments, temporal spectrum, turbulent magnetized plasma.
S is well-known, turbulent media are characterized by
macroscopic motion, chaotical nonstationarity and
inhomogeneity. Statistical characteristics of wavesin
random media withrandomly varying spatial irregularities
are studied well [1-4] but immediateaction of the
movement of the environment and its nonstationarity on the
statistical characteristics of scattered waves is not studied in
detail. Nonstationarity may be substantial and cause
changes of properties of the considered waves. Meanwhile,
the effect of accumulation of fluctuations of wave
parameters is revealed more brightly at big distances from a
source at existence of regular absorption in the non-
stationary medium [5].
The problem is of importance since the performance of
various existing and developing communication systems
depend on the statistical properties of the signals after
propagating through the transmission medium. In most
cases using results derived applying geometrical optics and
the parabolic approximation. This imposes any restrictions
on the distance travelling by wave in random medium.
Broadening and shift of maximum of the spatial power
spectrum of scattered electromagnetic waves in the
geometrical optics approximation were considered in [6-9].
Evaluation of the temporal spectrum of an incident
narrow band wave field in a nonstationary medium is
characterized by both amplitude and frequency modulation.
Transport theory to study frequency spectra of beam waves
propagating in a turbulent atmosphere was used in [10].
Spectral broadening has also been considered in [11]. Their
investigation was based on the parabolic approximation
with “frozen” turbulence model [12]. The behavior of the
temporal (frequency) spectrum of multiple scattered
electromagnetic waves in the collisionless turbulent non-
magnetized plasma has been investigated in [13,14]. Non-
stationarity is caused due to plasma motion. It was shown
that power spectrum of wave has the Gaussian shape with
the displaced maximum. Width of the spectrum coincides
with variance of the frequency fluctuation calculated in the
geometrical optics approximation by the perturbation
In many papers the fluctuating medium is considered as
nonabsorptive. The influence of absorption (conductivity of
... Daerah Indonesia bagian barat dipilih karena memiliki letak geografis yang jauh dari titik 140,7˚ BT atau orbit satelit Himawari-8 yang berada pada Indonesia bagian timur yang berarti permasalahan paralaks muncul dalam proses pengamatan data satelit Himawari-8 karena semakin jauh jarak objek pengamatan dengan satelit, maka akan semakin besar juga kesalahan paralaksnya dikarenakan sisi bidang miring antara satelit dan objek pengamatan semakin jauh juga [9]. ...
Conference Paper
Jan 2024
... Generally, the propagation of a wave with a complex spectral structure continuously changes its spectrum. The features of the temporal spectrum in the polar ionosphere have been considered in the study by Jandieri et al. [11] . ...
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Apr 2023
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Jan 2023
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Jul 2023
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Posted Sep 15, 2024

PDF | Using WKB method the peculiarities of the temporal spectrum of an ordinary and extraordinary electromagnetic wave scattered in a weakly randomly... | Fin…






Data Analyst


Nika Tugushi

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