Home from College

Luka Baramishvili

Frontend Engineer

About ℹ

I had the absolute pleasure to build a landing page for the Home from College based on the Figma designs provided by the H\FC team. I utilized React and styled-components to achieve the result. Home from College is a platform where students can find their first or next job/internship. The company provides tools to ease the job search process, such as building a resume online.
Build Resume Section
Build Resume Section
Create Your Resume section has an animated card that tilts based on the mouse hover. The resume template section has animation on hover as well, which changes based on which template you hover on.
Gig Section
Gig Section
The Gig section has a marquee effect for the gigs (jobs) from the H\FC website.

Tech Stack 💻

Frontend: React, Styled-components Animations: CSS

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