Website Redesign for Delivery food Brand

Amanj Dhahir


UX Designer

Product Designer


About the Lezzoo

Looking for something to order? Food? Pharmacy? Groceries? Yes! We deliver anything you want. We have food delivery, pharmacy delivery, grocery delivery simply download the app choose your favorite store through Lezzoo, and let the rest be taken care of. With hundreds of amazing stores, over 100,000 different products to choose from.
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About this project

Lezzoo have been Active in both Android and iOS since 2017. And have been partnered with more than 1,000 store and restaurants in Kurdistan Region of IRAQ. Although they're doing pretty good job in serving their customers in the mobile, But not so much on the Website. So I Decide that make a redesign upon my own experience. ⚠️No User Research Included!⚠️

What's the Problem?

This time we're only going to focus on the brand's website. Here are Main pain points I've found on the website:
Weak Hero Page
Lack of context
Low-Quality illustrations.

Current Design of Lezzoo's Website | Full Screen

Website Hero Page
Website Hero Page
Become a partner
Become a partner

Let's solve this!

Starting with using a new font-family with variant font-styles. it's important to use a font-family that has at lest [Light, regular, bold, italic]. As the website at lest includes titles, sub-title and text.
I chose Plus Jakarta Sans Family font because of its variety.
Plus Jakarta Sans Font-Family
Plus Jakarta Sans Font-Family
After That, I started to make some Low-Fidelity prototypes. and decide to use the one i was comfortable with.
Low-Fidelity Prototype
Low-Fidelity Prototype
Next, Making High-Fidelity Prototypes. From Here i tried using the same color's as the Lezzoo's color brand which is Red and White. but added a Gradient from color red.
Now Here is The High-Fidelity! enjoy😊
Lezzoo New Design
Lezzoo New Design
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Posted Mar 3, 2023

This Project is a Redesign for one of most popular brand in Iraq & KRI. Lezzoo is a food Delivery company that has +1,000 partners and has +300,000 Users.






UX Designer

Product Designer


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