v-Login (Visitor's Management System)

Daniel Alabuja

Software Engineer

We needed to build an application that manages visitor's access to an organization and be secured as much as possible. my team and I ensured a blacklisted guest using either phone number or email, doesn't have access to the company again on sign-in, my team and I also ensure the user knows the person they are coming to see as dropdowns weren't allowed at key areas. My team and I also ensure a user can be preregistered and he can come to the reception of a company to register. This helps them avoid time wastage when they get to the company. Personal belongings were also cater for to avoid theft. Also, we had a service that handles the authentication, it was built using IdentityServer4. When the user signs-in, they're redirected to the application they're coming from. Also, the admin of a company could import all users from their Azure account to the system with a button click. I implemented this using the azure ad integration (Microsoft.Graph). I built it quick in like 8 months while still maintaining the system till I left the organization.

It was built using ASP.NET Core for the REST/RESTful APIs, Angular for the front-end, NUnit for the Unit Test and SQL (when needed). For this application, it was a microservice architecture with the payments platform built using same technologies. It's to be noted that I made use of Git also.

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