Ways Teachers Make a Difference And Inspire

Marigrace Rosenberry

Think back, do you remember your first teacher?
Now, think again about which teacher inspired you the most. It could have been your elementary school teacher that made you feel good about your art, or maybe a high school educator that was so passionate about stoichiometry you dedicated a career to chemistry.
Most all of us remember at least one special teacher that made a difference in our lives. They could have been encouraging, accepting, or even incredibly humorous. Whether they emboldened us to do our academic best or just to be better people in general, those teachers helped cultivate and enrich us into who we are today.
If you've ever wondered how teachers can inspire their students to succeed, here are a few things they do to help make a difference in each student's life.

Getting Kids From Liking to Learning

During a Ted Talk, Rita Pierson, a professional educator who's been in the field for 50 years, stated that "Kids don't learn from people they don't like".
That proclamation may seem bold, but there is an ultimate truth underneath. Students are much more receptive and eager to learn from a teacher, educator, or instructor that they like and enjoy. They want to feel as if their teacher appreciates having them as a student, just like how we would much rather work for someone that we feel appreciates us and acknowledges all our efforts.
But how does a teacher get their students to like them?

Teachers Connect With Their Students

It is much easier to get students to like you if you understand their world. This means as a teacher, it is not only important to connect with students as an individual, but also to meet the student at their level as well.
Students need to know that they are more than just a grade in a book. Each pupil is a person, with unique thoughts, experiences, and emotions. If they don't feel valued in that way, they lose the motivation to learn.
One of the best ways to connect with students is to ask them about their lives around school, not just about what's been happening inside the classroom. Simple questions like inquiring about the student's favorite musical artist, food, sports team, siblings, or games they play, show that you value their lives outside of school, as well as them as a person.

They Use Their Passion To Inspire Others

We've all been there with a school subject. The one that, even with just a mention, sends some of us into groans, sighs, or maybe even a comment like "I hate math". In fact, there are many lessons and subjects out there that even teachers will grumble about teaching.
As adults, we understand that not every subject, or even everything we have to learn, is going to be all fun and games. But as a young student, this concept can be very hard to grasp, especially if they don't see or feel any practical use for the subject at the moment.
Teachers everywhere get the question "When are we going to use this?" and the honest answer is "You may never use this knowledge, but it is still important to learn it, because you may need it someday". The key is for teachers to inspire their students to want to learn whatever subject is being taught, not to simply force it upon them.
Teachers and educators that are passionate about what they do will always try their best to make the lesson stimulating and engaging for the class. They'll get excited and draw students' attention in, as the chapter about fractions marches on. Maybe they'll read each character in a different voice, have students relate to a class-led reading through their own experiences, or encourage a general discussion on how the story made them feel, not just what they learned.

Making A Difference

There is no arguing that teaching is a challenging career. But without teachers, we would be lost as a society. They inspire students to pursue their lifelong passions, whether it's becoming an author, architect, or doctor. Teachers are making a difference in our communities through education and life experience, one student at a time.
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