Here I deal with creating the graphic design of different types like Seamless Patterns, Logos, Social media posts, mock-ups and web designs(soon), etc.
I recently started to study graphic designing and I'm pursuing it with an intention of making it my career. So, with my little knowledge of things and the great internet, I have helped people in the past with their requests. Eventually, with time I will improve my skills and create beautiful graphic designs.
Client-requests & Self projects:
✣ Skybox (Game Asset):
The Client had requested me to make a Space/Galactic-themed Skybox to be used in his unity-powered game. So, I researched and created the skybox as per his request using affinity designer. I have attached the respective gif below.
Skybox in Unity.
✣ Seamless Pattern:
The Client had requested me to make a seamless pattern by referencing to photo provided, It was in the watercolor style. So, I researched and made the pattern in Adobe Photoshop. I have attached the respective images below.
Made in Photoshop.
✣ Self Designs:
I had an idea of replacing the charging port with magnetic connections and the concept of a new phone. So, I made a 2dmock-up of the idea using the Afiinity Designer. I have attached the respective images below.
2D mockup of Idea.
Hope you liked my work & I'm looking forward working with you.