COVID-19 Dataset Analysis and Visualization

Joyce Oluwasegun

Data Scientist
Data Visualizer
Data Analyst

COVID-19 Dataset Analysis and Visualization

This repository contains a dataset scraped from Worldometer - COVID-19 Statistics. The dataset was analyzed through Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to derive key insights and conclusions. Additionally, the dataset was visualized using Power BI to provide a comprehensive overview of the COVID-19 situation worldwide.

Dataset Source

The dataset was collected by scraping data from Worldometer, a reliable source for COVID-19 statistics, and it includes various metrics related to COVID-19 cases, recoveries, deaths, population, and other relevant information.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

The EDA process involved various analyses and conclusions:
Overview of the dataset structure and contents.
Statistical summaries and distributions of COVID-19 metrics.
Identification of trends, patterns, and correlations among different variables.
Derivation of vital conclusions and insights from the data.

Visualization with Power BI

Visualization of the dataset was carried out using Power BI to present the following insights:
Population statistics.
Total COVID-19 cases globally.
Updates on COVID-19 cases over time.
Top 5 countries affected by COVID-19.
Total recoveries and deaths.
Map visualizations displaying affected countries and continents along with their respective figures.


Clone this repository: git clone
Explore the dataset and the EDA findings in the provided Jupyter Notebook or analysis files.
To view the Power BI visualization, download and open the Power BI file (covid19_visualization.pbix) in your Power BI Desktop application.
Feel free to dive into the EDA findings and visualizations, and adapt the analyses for further insights or improvements.


Contributions, suggestions, or improvements to the analysis are welcome. Feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.
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