HelloGPT - Intelligent AI Chatbot App

Akash Gajera

Flutter Developer
UI Designer
Firebase Authentication
Visual Studio Code
Project Name: HelloGPT - Intelligent AI Chatbot App ========== HelloGPT is an AI chatbot app powered by the advanced GPT-4 model. With this app, users can effortlessly engage with the chatbot to seek answers to a wide range of questions spanning finance, budgeting, personal matters, health, and more.
The app not only offers insightful responses but also enables users to revisit their chat history for reference. Subscribers can enjoy enhanced features, including sharing chats and videos. Moreover, users can conveniently share the latest message they've received, making communication more seamless and engaging. HelloGPT simplifies accessing AI-powered assistance for a diverse array of inquiries, making information readily available at your fingertips. Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/hN7OkfNxmEjV5EM7deSNXo/Hello-GPT-%7C-AI-Chatbot-app?type=design&node-id=1%3A3&mode=design&t=LwgpPQwWi6xJnk01-1
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