
Peter Sudai

Brand Designer
Web Designer
Software Engineer


Welcome to CashYangu, a comprehensive financial tracking web application designed to help you manage your expenses, budget, and savings efficiently. This README provides detailed instructions on how to get started, contribute, and understand the project's scope and functionality.


CashYangu is a web-based application aimed at simplifying personal financial management. With features to log your earnings, expenses, savings, and budget goals, CashYangu provides a user-friendly interface to keep your finances in check. The app also offers insightful financial reports and charts to help you visualize your financial health.


Deployed Site: CashYangu
Final Project Blog Article: CashYangu Project Blog
Author LinkedIn: Peter Sudai


Follow these steps to set up the CashYangu project on your local machine:
Clone the Repository: git clone cd CashYangu
Set Up a Virtual Environment: python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
Install Dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
Set Up Environment Variables: create a '.env' file in the root directory and add the following variables: SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key DATABASE_URL=your_database_url
Run Database Migrations: flask db upgrade
Run the Appliccation: flask run


Once the application is up and running, you can start using CashYangu by following these steps:
1.Register an Account:
2.Log In:
4.Log Financial Data:
5.Generate Reports:


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or improvements. Just fork the repository, create a new branch, make your changes and commit them. Then push to your fork. After this open a pull request from your forked repository's feature branch to the main repository's 'main' branch.

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CashYangu is under the MIT License.
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