Sometimes we don’t know what we want or where to even begin asking ourselves the right questions that will at least nudge us in the right direction of our desires—and youtube affirmations can only do so much to help you narrow things down.
The great news is, you don’t have to do all the extreme shadow work to figure it out; That’s where people like me come in, veterans in the arena of shadow-work, I will translate your desires and write out the perfect affirmations to suit your specific desire(s) or circumstances.
Sometimes it’s difficult to gauge exactly what we really want, but when we know what we *don’t* want, we are already half-way there.
Wether you’re worried about a future event or simply would like to create something new in your life and you are not yet versed in concepts like the Law of Attraction—using my intuition and evaluation of your desire/dislikes which you’ve provided, I will construct a unique set of affirmations to help you bring in your desires more effectively. When our words are spells, it pays us to use them wisely.
This is not a course on the LOA, nor will it convince you of its truths—I am using my gifts as a tool for those who understand the concept and would like personal assistance. Courses coming soon.
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Posted Jan 16, 2024
Personal Desire Manifestations
Love and Relationship Manifestations
Property Manifestations
Self Esteem and Beauty Affirmations