PrEP Campaign

Jordyn Shane


Brand Designer

Visual Designer

Creative Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Puzzle: There is a gap in information, often exacerbated by stigma, healthcare access disparities, and cultural barriers, contributes to higher rates of HIV transmission among black men, straight women, and trans women of color. The limited awareness and education about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) as an HIV prevention option significantly impacts the black community and many within these groups are unaware of PrEP’s availability or its effectiveness, leaving them more vulnerable to HIV.

Missing Piece: A targeted social media and billboard campaign is launched to raise awareness about PrEP, focusing on gay men, straight women, and trans women in the black community. The campaign will include clear messaging on how to access the medication. By combining engaging visuals with educational content and easy-to-follow steps, the campaign will break down stigma, dispel myths, and encourage proactive health measures.

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Posted Jul 17, 2023

This campaign demonstrates and advocated for certain black communities in Los Angeles to help raise awareness of a HIV preventive drug called PrEP








Brand Designer

Visual Designer

Creative Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

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