Ecommerce with Payment Gateway and many more features

Harmanpreet Singh


Software Engineer

Web Developer





This is a full stack eCommerce website built using the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node.js). It features a modern and responsive design, secure payment gateways, dynamic product display algorithms, and comprehensive user functionalities such as wishlist, reviews, order tracking, and more.

eCommerce Features

Categories & Subcategories: Well-organized categories and subcategories for easy navigation.
Products: Detailed product pages with options for different sizes and colors.
Payment Gateway: Integrated with individual products and cart for secure transactions. ( Stripe )
Wishlist: Option to save favorite products.
Special Deals: Exclusive deals displayed on the homepage.
Banners: Eye-catching banners to highlight promotions.
Responsive Design: Modern and mobile-friendly layout.
Quantity Purchase: Ability to purchase multiple quantities of a product.
Homepage Algorithms: Various algorithms to display products dynamically on the homepage.
Filtering & Sorting: Advanced filtering and sorting options on search and category pages.
JWT Session: Secure user sessions with JWT.
Encrypted Passwords: Enhanced security with password encryption.
OAuth Support: Easy registration and sign-in with OAuth.
Payment on Delivery: Option to pay upon delivery.
Order Tracking: Track orders with a detailed orders page.
Order Summary: Comprehensive order summary page.
Custom Checkout: Tailored checkout experience.
Review System: Post, delete, and edit reviews with a dedicated reviews page.
Dynamic Routing: Smooth navigation with dynamic routing.
Product Quickview: Quickly view product details and add to cart or go to the product page.
Active Review & Rating Calculation: Backend will update variables required for algorithms to work properly, actively calculate rating's & frontend required parameters.

Other Pages

Category Specific Page: Detailed pages for each category.
Subcategory Page: Dedicated pages for subcategories.
Blog: Informative blog section.
Contact Page: Easy-to-use contact form.
Services Page: Overview of offered services.
About Us: Information about the company.
Privacy Policy: Details on data privacy.
Secure Payment Page: Information on secure payment methods.
Terms and Conditions: Detailed terms and conditions.
Refund and Cancellation Policy: Policies on refunds and cancellations.

Docker Image Available for Backend & Frontend

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Posted Aug 2, 2024

An Ecommerce project that allows you to place orders, has responsive and modern UI, has many pages with order tracking and payment gateway integration.






Software Engineer

Web Developer




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