Rust Skin Scraper - Scrape all rust skins ID for server
Harmanpreet Singh
Software Engineer
The repository contains essential files for obtaining the latest Rust skins data. The included Python script facilitates the scraping process.
Before using the script, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
Google Chrome: Install the Chrome browser on your PC.
Python: Ensure that Python is installed on your system.
Internet Speed: Maintain an internet speed exceeding 10mbps.
Microsoft Excel: For convenient copy/paste operations and improved data visualization.
How to Use
Follow these steps to effectively utilize the script:
Open the command prompt in the specific repository folder.
Run the script using Python with the command: python
Wait patiently until the process completes itself.
The script will automatically close upon completion, and you'll find the skin ID files in the "skins" folder, each file appropriately named for a specific skin type.
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Posted Aug 2, 2024
Allows you to scrape rust skins id for your server, the script is made to allow you to have latest skins with each update without any issue.