Global peace-Need of the hour

Ghayur Ahmed


Blog Writer

Global Peace-Need Of The Hour
It's a clarion call that demands not the bugle of war, not the escalation of tensions at the borders, no more huge defense expenditure but bringing the nations closer and establishing global peace in its true sense. Though, it may seem hypothetical, impractical, or unpragmatic in a world where bigger Nations are indefatigably vying for supremacy.
Here lies the question as to what the duties and responsibilities of a World leader should be? Is it merely subjugating the less powerful countries, putting sanctions or at times showing a wanton display of their might by invading their territory for not following their diktats?
We are not living in the stone age, we are breathing in a civilized world, hence it is our bounden duty to show some semblance of civility and decency. Fortunately, we have the UNO to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights.
Notwithstanding the fact that the United Nations has been successful in reining in some aggressors, but the role of the global leader increases manifold." uneasy lies the head that wears the crown"--hence the roles, responsibilities, aims and objectives of the global leaders invariably increase and therein lies their litmus test to prove to the World as to how successful they have been in defusing the crises involved.
We Want Peace No War Please
Their role is not just confined to defusing the tensions but it also entails coming forward to treading in those parts of the world where there is no hope left, with men, women and children dying of starvation and malnutrition respectively
They also seem to have miserably failed to stop the genocide taking place in some or the other parts of the World. After all we can not turn a blind eye to or ignore the consequences and fallouts of a Nuclear war. We have not yet forgotten the Hiroshima and Nagasaki" holocaust. The impact of radiation was so intense that still children are born there with deformities.
But the most pertinent question that pesters our minds is-who will take the initiative. It requires the guts and gumption to herald into a new era- an era of peace in its true sense, instilling compassion, fraternity, peace and harmony and removing doubts, fear and apprehension.
There are several countries where peace and prosperity reign but there are some countries that are enmeshed in poverty, misery and internecine warfare. For example, the ongoing crisis and conflict in Gaza.
It's very unfortunate that in the recent Israel -Palestine conflict, even the united nations have so far been not able to defuse the simmering tensions. The genocide of the innocent Palestinians still continues and all the world is watching the macabre drama like mute spectators. The very existence of the united nations is at stake. The four days ceasefire was not a solution at all to the savagery and massacre of innocent Palestinians, it still goes unabated.
So, the question lies like the proverbial "who will bell the cat"? Some immediate steps should be taken to stop this crisis, as echoed by the protesters all around the world. Shunning the responsibilities and saving one's skin is akin to that of succumbing to the might of the wanton display of the aggressor. Some strong steps must be taken to bring back the normalcy and peace in the bruised and battered Gaza.
Here a mention must be made of Russia -ukrainian war, it also must be brought to end. But what's happening in Palestine is not war, it's a genocide and we can't afford to bring back the ghost of Adolf Hitler haunting, after all we have united nation and international court of justice to reign in the agression.
According to a recent study more than 10,000 lives have been lost in Gaza alone.
"Every cloud has a silver lining" . And we are very fortunate that there are people who still have the guts to show their humanitarian side. It's very well reflected by some of the democrats.
Are these gloomy pictures not enough for us to come out of slumber, extend a hand of goodwill and generosity, (by major countries of the world), and provide them aid and assistance.
Farcical it may seem but it must be borne in mind that we are mere mortals and one day we have to depart. "All the World is a stage we are supposed to perform and make way for others to play their part. We are all accountable before the Almighty God for all our deeds and misdeeds.
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Posted Dec 16, 2023

Wrote a blog on the need of global peace during a period of ongoing conflict in today's world.






Blog Writer

Ghayur Ahmed

Freelance writing
