Confession Booth: Poem

Shanelle Hicks


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Microsoft Word

confession booth

the shower head sobs
as i stand beneath it releasing the weight of my unspoken heartache
every droplet a surrogate for tears that refuse to show themselves in the harsh light of day
but here
in this steamy sanctuary
i let them flow without restraint
my body is slick with shame so i baptize myself in the cool caress of tiles
grief is a private affair between myself and a choir of water singing in secret symphonies
a haven for hushed cries where salty tears blend with soothing streams and secrets dissolve into the drain's descent
mist ascends like holy smoke obscuring the mirrors too afraid to reflect the raw reality of the naked truth i can no longer hide
every single drip
bears witness to my confessions in this silent sanctuary

Somber Free Verse Poem


One original free verse poem (number of lines to be determined)
Somber and sad undertones interwoven throughout

Poetic Elements:

Metaphors: Use comparisons to deepen melancholy
Alliteration: Strategically create rhythm and emphasize poignant moments
Juxtaposition: Contrast ideas to enhance the sadness
Similes: Craft comparisons to enrich imagery

Structural Focus:

Varied Line Lengths and Stanza Breaks: Utilize for emotional pacing
Intentional Use of White Space: Create pauses and evoke reflection
Enjambment: Maintain flow and build emotional depth

Rhythmic Elements:

Internal Rhymes and Assonance: Add subtle musicality
Varied Meter: Control pacing and emotional impact


Rich, Sensory Details: Create an immersive and somber atmosphere
Dark or Unsettling Visuals: Maintain the sad tone


Consistent Narrative Voice: Maintain a tone (e.g., reflective, melancholic, mournful)
Tone Shifts: Heighten emotional impact


Provided in a digital text format (e.g., Word document or PDF)
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Posted Jul 20, 2024

Write a free verse poem with somber and reflective overtones






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Microsoft Word

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