Creative Writing and Design Fusion Project

Lizilou R



Creative Writer

Creative Designer

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro



The practice of magic is a prominent part of history, with its roots to shamanic ancestors who honour the life-giving and sustaining powers of nature. Witchcraft is the practice of harnessing forms of energy to manipulate aspects of reality, encompassing different cultural studies and belief systems, such as Wicca, Voodoo, and Shamanism. Whilst not every practitioner performs the same way, they share various similarities and requirements in spell crafting, potion brewing, and rituals. They place values on balancing nature, with consequences for actions, and not to use magic to harm others.
Magic is typically divided into three categories: personal energies, earthly, and dimensional. Personal energies come from the life-force of the witch, with larger spells requiring the energy of multiple witches. Earthly draw upon the surrounding nature, such as plants, animals, water, and ley lines (natural streams of energy beneath the earth surface). Lastly, dimensional energies are taken from other planes of existence, such as the spiritual or astral plane, including divine assistance from their gods. This is why many spells request their assistance, and where Divination Magic is seen to come from.
The main deities a witch follows are that of the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone), and the Horned God, alternatively called the Lord and Lady. These are representations of the masculine and feminine life forces responsible for creation, the balance within nature for all things. The Horned God is often falsely associated with Christianity's Satan as the God of the hunt and communication with the dead. Whilst some witches practice Dark Magic, there is no actual Satan in their practices.
balance of nature
There is a strong belief in maintaining the balance within nature, that things come with a price or have consequences. A core principle is not to use magic to harm others, that the energy they put out will circle back around and return to them. Some believe that selfish magic is fine so long as it doesn't harm others, whilst others don't believe magic should be used for personal gain. No two witches or covens are the same in their interpretation of balancing nature, but that the intent of the witch is more important than the action.
tools & equipment
Witches use a variety of tools in spells and potions, some of which can be substituted or left to user preference. Typical tools include an altar where spells are performed, athame/wand(ceremonial not Harry Potter), candles, crystals, salt, representations of the gods, incense, bells, runes, a cauldron (copper pot), pendulums, grimoire(spellbook) and more. These are used for directing energies, setting intentions, creating sacred spaces or directing outcomes, and are kept separate from kitchen items to avoid unwanted energies. We don't expect members to detail rituals, but be aware a typical routine consists of creating a sacred safe space, asking the gods to assist, state their intentions, perform the spell, thank the gods, and close the sacred space. Think of it like opening a door, performing magic, then closing the door.
Familiars - A familiar is an aid to a witch's magical endeavours, though little is truly known about their origin, but most consider them demons or spirit beings taking the form of an animal. Most appear as dark cats as they blend with common mundane housepets, but toads, snakes, birds, or other animal forms can be taken. The animal does not take obscure forms to avoid unwanted attention. Familiars can be summoned by the witch intentionally, or seek out witches in need of help. They can be identified by their intelligence and instant obedience to the witch, who would then claim the familiar by verbally inviting them to stay. The familiar then serves the witch by gathering information, use of their eyes to see things, drawing positive energies to them, and protecting them where possible.
I designed the entire forum theme to match the client's witch genre.
I designed the entire forum theme to match the client's witch genre.
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Posted Nov 7, 2024

I combined creative writing with lore development, artwork, and designing the forum's front and backend theme too.









Creative Writer

Creative Designer

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro


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