E.Un - Emotional Understanding

Natalie Mistry


Interaction Designer

Web Designer

UX Designer




Emotion detecting band :Bettering human-to-human interaction

How can we understand people around us better ?

Yes, communication helps but what happens when someone is not in the MOOD.

The idea aims to establish an interface that is subtle enough for individuals to share their emotional state with others.
The objective is to avoid using haptic bands or noisy notifications to monitor our emotional intelligence (EQ). What's necessary is a user-friendly instrument that people can access when they're mentally prepared and willing to converse and make progress in their personal and interpersonal lives.


Innovation but no emotion
While we are improving communication for long-distance connections, many individuals fail to recognize the emotions of those in close proximity to them, including themselves.


Introducing a thoughtful wristband and accompanying app that fosters seamless interconnection among individuals, promoting emotional awareness and providing therapeutic support.

My Role

Product Design
UX research


Sonia Febyola


3 months (2022)

Market Research

Building on what exists
Brands such as Amazon, Feel Therapeutics, Feel Hey, and Healium are working towards building emotionally-driven products. These companies have incorporated medical expertise in their product design, but the challenge lies in making the technology accessible and comfortable for the end-users, including neurodiverse patients. The field of emotion detection technology is growing rapidly, with an estimated market size increase from $21.6 billion in 2019 to $56 billion by 2024. During the COVID-19 pandemic, usage of emotion-detection devices has surged, with users spending 50% more time per week on the app and 97% participation in weekly therapy sessions, according to data from Sentio Solutions, the developer of the Feel app.
The research behind these devices is thorough, but the focus now should be on making them user-friendly and more natural for interpersonal communication.
sharing becomes easy

I came up with the following conclusions

To improve already existing interface with keeping in mind neurodiversity like ADHD, anxiety disorder, OCD.
To design a wearable emotion-detection device that can provide valuable data for therapists and clinicians in understanding their patients' mental and emotional states.
Focusing on the cycle between individual, loved ones and medical professionals to create a healthier emotional environment using a easy-to-connect-dots app band.

User study

In conversation with potential users
To understand the points of tension I first interviewed close ones, took a survey to get an unfiltered opinion.
patient + support + medical professional

I came up with the following conclusions

Users commonly expressed frustration with constant notifications and alerts from their current fitness/wellness bands, indicating a preference for a simpler device.
A considerable number of users were supportive of new technology and appreciated its ease of use, particularly for managing their busy schedules. Some were forgetful so they found reminders helpful for keeping track of important events like submissions.
Most users were initially unbothered by the idea of emotional bands, but some were interested in learning more and exploring its potential benefits for personal and relational growth.

The Value

What do WE/THEY/YOU need ?

When designing emotional bands, it's important to keep user preferences and privacy concerns in mind. These devices should offer clear insights into emotional states, but more importantly, users need to feel comfortable sharing this information. Building trust is key to encouraging adoption and usage of these devices.

Usability Test

Adjust it for them

After the flows were ready I made a basic prototype and asked users to perform a number of tasks. Then I could see where they were having difficulty and where I should improve the product based on real use.

Schedule appointment

A therapist is only a click away, and can assist you in understanding about your emotional situation; why you feel the way you do, and how to take necessary steps.

Syncing with ease

The functions and features were created with the user in mind, connecting your support systems via a band or phone app makes the involvement process simple and open.

Personalization and Tracking

It functions as a personal diary, offers simple visual updates on your current emotional state, and creates weekly and monthly progress graphs. E-Un homepage has a feature to journal your thoughts, upload voice notes and get mood-based activity suggestions.

Thank you for reading my case study!

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Posted Sep 13, 2023

Bettering human-to-human interactions






Interaction Designer

Web Designer

UX Designer




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