Travel Smart App

Mlu Manda


Design Systems Specialist

UI Designer


Travel Smart

We were approached by the Department of International relations and cooperation to help them realise an app that would allow South Africans both home and abroad to be able to interact with the consular services in a seamless less painful way. My team was made up of 3 Developers, 1 Project manager, Account Executive and myself as the Product Designer. Our Work started in October of 2022 and is currently in the second MVP stage

Problem Definition

South Africans travel often, and often there aren't great ways to liase with South African consular services, often critical alerts are lost in translation much worse when they do not get delivered on time to the intended citizen. DIRCO wanted to make an app that would allow South Africans to log their travels, subscribe to Country alerts, provide means for citizens to contact consular for advisory in cases of emergency

Research and Inspiration

The project had very tight time constraints so we had fewer user interviews than what we'd have liked, however we drew inspiration from popular apps such as Airbnb and uber to ensure that we come up with a seamless UX for the first iteration of the app.

Concept Development

- Present initial concepts and iterations. - Explain your design thinking process.
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Posted Dec 10, 2023

Designed an app for the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation, to enable citizens a better travel experience.






Design Systems Specialist

UI Designer


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