Book: Codes of Life

Praise Fasoyiro


Content Editor



Google Drive

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Word

Word Count: 10,000
A youth coach and spiritual leader wrote a book aimed at helping youths and adults build solid foundations. She wanted the book to reach as many people as possible and reached out to us for support.

Line Editing

Since she was a seasoned writer and author, we evaluated the book and immediately began line editing. We meticulously reviewed the book line by line, ensuring that each sentence made perfect sense and resonated with the reader. We corrected all spelling, grammar, punctuation, tense errors, inconsistencies, redundancies, cross-checked all quotes and biblical references, and more. The client also wanted the book edited in British English.


Next, we moved on to formatting. We had a session with her to understand her vision for the book’s appearance. Afterward, we formatted the book for size, margins, fonts, TOCs, and more. One specific request from the client was to include excerpts from each chapter to emphasize key points. We selected and created excerpts from each chapter, which the client loved.


To finalize the work, we conducted thorough proofreading, focusing on grammar, spelling, punctuation errors, orphan and widow text, and more. When the book was finished, she was so impressed that she requested our service for her other books.


Finally, we provided publishing support. We evaluated the best platforms for her book and helped her publish it on three different platforms—Selar, Amazon KDP, and Okada Books—each targeted at different populations and locations.
Check out a portion of the book here!
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Posted Aug 30, 2024

We helped a youth coach refine her book with precise editing and formatting and published it on Selar, Amazon, and Okada Books to reach a broad audience.






Content Editor



Google Drive

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Word

Praise Fasoyiro

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