An Android educational application built using Kotlin and XML, following the MVVM architecture pattern. The app allows users to explore and purchase courses, watch course videos, request live classes, and manage their profiles.
Features 🚀
User Authentication
Login and Signup functionality
Course Exploration
Browse courses by categories
View detailed course information
Course Purchase
Securely purchase courses
Access purchased courses in the "My Courses" tab
Video Playback
Stream course videos
View list of videos for each course
Live Classes
Request live class sessions
Make payments for live classes
Profile Management
Update profile information
Change password
Repository Switching
Switch between Test and Main repositories as needed
Screenshots 📷
Feature Screenshot Login Screen
Course Categories
Video Player
Profile Update
Note: Replace the image paths with actual screenshots of your app.
Tech Stack 🛠️
Language: Kotlin
UI Design: XML
Architecture Pattern: MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
IDE: Android Studio
Minimum SDK: 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop)
Architecture 📐
The app utilizes the MVVM architecture to separate concerns and facilitate easier testing and maintenance:
Model: Manages the data and business logic
View: Displays data and captures user interactions (XML layouts)
ViewModel: Provides data to the View by interacting with the Model
License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.