Chikoo is a intelligent business management suite for the modern workplace. A business management software with front end integrated website, a external food app and other third part integrations, for large and small scale companies who need more control, security, and confidentiality. Chikoo is perfect for places like Resturants, Gerocry stores, Pharmacies, Fashion or and retail startups. When we (that includes myself, our director of product, and two Project managers) joined the team in August 2022, Chikoo was definitely lacking in the design department, and not just in visual design but in the overall user experience. The product had been designed and built by the engineering team, was bloated with features, and was lacking an effortless user experience. As a product designer, it was my role to work alongside the team to significantly improve the the user experience of the beta product and have it ready to be shipped within 6 months.