Python Program: IMDB Rating Analysis for TV Shows

Saurabh Singh


Business Analyst

Content Writer

Power BI


But who is going to check the rating of every episode, every season, every time someone recommends a TV Series? Not me. Why? Because I created a Python program for IMDB rating analysis. All I have to do is enter the 7-digit IMDB code for the TV series in my program and it created a season wise file comparing Episode Rating with Season Rating and TV Show rating.
Was it easy? No. Was is difficult? No. All it needed was a bit of time and effort to understand how different python libraries (pandas, numpy, selenium, beautiful soup, scikit-learn, matplotlib and seaborn)
1. Selenium and Beautiful Soup: To scrap data from IMDB website
2. Pandas: To create the database and work on it
3. Numpy: For simple mathematical calculation (mean)
4. Scikit-learn: For linear regression
5. Matplotlib and Seaborn: For visualization
Now bear with me as I explain how I did it. An easier way of doing it is simply using IMDB python library or downloading the compete IMDB database and then work on it. But where’s the fun in that?
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Posted Nov 1, 2023

Learn how to create a Python program for IMDB Rating Analysis. This program can be used to either pick a TV Series or a random expisode.






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Power BI


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