Automated Social Media (Instagram) Data Mining

Rahat Ibn Nabi

Data Scraper
Cloud Infrastructure Architect
Web Developer

This comprehensive Instagram account scraping service is designed to deliver everything you need, from images and post content to comments, user connections, and engagement metrics, in your preferred format.

What I Offer:

1. Complete Data Extraction:

Images: High-resolution images.

Post Content: Detailed extraction of captions.

Comments: All first-level comments on posts.

User Connections: Complete lists of followers and those being followed, including user profiles.

Engagement Metrics: Likes, shares, and other engagement metrics.

2. Output Formats:

JSON: Structured and easy-to-parse format for developers.

CSV: Versatile format for analysis in spreadsheet applications.

Excel: Detailed and organized data in Excel workbooks.

Database (DB): Custom database solutions for large-scale data management.

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