The Benefits of WiFi Marketing and How It Can Help Grow Your Bu…

Clara Mathews





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The Benefits of WiFi Marketing

What if you could use the WiFi you already offer customers to find new marketing opportunities for customers you already know are interested? With WiFi marketing, you can get all of the benefits of offering public WiFi while also adding new ways to get key offers in front of the customers that matter.
If you’re not already offering free public WiFi, here’s the short version of why you’re behind the curve: Free public WiFi is no longer just a nice perk you can offer your customers; it’s expected. Not offering a connection at your place of business is like not offering air conditioning or not having a public restroom.
WiFi also offers several ways you can differentiate yourself from your competitors by having faster speeds, better security, easier connectivity, and more. The bottom line is that WiFi is a bigger part of the customer experience than we often think it is, and you need to take steps to make sure that it leaves the impression you want.
At the same time, if you’re a small business with a physical location, you need to look for new ways to create marketing that is more personal, more effectively targeted, and more efficient. WiFi marketing can help by targeting customers that are already visiting your location. Let’s learn a little more about what goes into WiFi marketing and how your business can reap the benefits.

What Is WiFi Marketing?

Beyond providing a better in-store customer experience, it’s important to look at what other value you might be able to get from your public WiFi. With WiFi marketing, you can leverage something you’re already offering (or should be offering) in order to get more personal and more specific with how you reach out to customers.
The beauty of WiFi marketing is that you already know that the information you’re collecting and acting on is valuable because it’s from customers who have visited your physical location and logged into your network. Yes, you’re taking an email address when you give them access to your public WiFi, but WiFi marketing is much more powerful than that. You can track how often they visit, what time of day, and how long they stay, and then use that information to put offers in front of them that they can’t refuse.

1. Segment the Customers That Matter

One of the most important differences between WiFi marketing and other forms of CRM-style tracking is that you’re specifically looking at customers who have visited your physical location. Generally speaking, getting customers through the door is (more than) half the battle. Being able to get granular about people who are already doing that is a huge competitive advantage.
The biggest challenge today isn’t necessarily getting your hands on customer data; it’s getting that data in a form that’s actionable. If you work with a WiFi marketing service provider, they’ll make sure most of that work is automated, allowing you to focus in on customer profiles and getting the right offer in front of the right person.

2. Combine Your Data

While data alone is definitely helpful, it’s combining that data with what you already know about your customers that gets you into truly groundbreaking territory. If you’re using a customer relationship management (CRM) platform, you can fold in your WiFi marketing data to get new insights into your customers.
From your CRM, you’ll know that they made X purchase on Y date, but cross-referencing that with your WiFi marketing tells you when they visited you previously, how long they stayed, and what that means for other customers’ chances of making a purchase. It’s the same idea that’s at work in other marketing automation practices but filtered through the lens of in-store visits. The idea here is that you figure out what conditions, in terms of in-store visits and time spent at your location, lead a customer to be likely to make a purchase, and then offer them a discount that nudges them over from a “maybe” into a “yes.
WiFi marketing provides a framework for making key business decisions by automatically collecting data and putting in a format and place where you can use it. Because you know for sure that they’ve visited your physical location when they login to your WiFi, you can jump on this information to make a difference deep into the typical sales funnel. That means a higher hit rate and, ultimately, a bigger impact on your bottom line.

3. Make Your WiFi Experience More Seamless

To offer an effective WiFi marketing service, take a close look at how your public WiFi is implemented. Many WiFi marketing services will help you with general network implementation. This gives you total control over the customer experience, ensuring that logging into your WiFi is frictionless and easy.
While registering your email address isn’t that ridiculous of an ask these days, it’s important that everything about the experience is simple, clear, and works well. A technology partner that understands how to help you get what you need from your customers, while also keeping everything clearly on-brand, is the key to making your WiFi marketing successful.

What You Can Do Right Now

While it’s easy to get caught up with how hard it is to compete as a small business with a physical location in today’s digital landscape, there are several advantages you can leverage to make more sales and grow. One of the best ways to capitalize on your advantages is to adopt a business WiFi marketing strategy.
With WiFi marketing, you can target the customers who have already come through your door in order to make high-percentage offers to people who are likely to buy. By working with a technology partner, you can make sure that you can take advantage of segmentation while providing a seamless experience.
Use WiFi marketing to find patterns with customers who visit you frequently.
Take advantage of segmentation and automation.
Combine data with what you already know to be even more effective.
Work with a technology partner who can make a great WiFi experience.
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Posted Nov 12, 2024

Wrote a blog post for Cox Communications about the benefits of marketing your WiFi services.









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Clara Mathews

Strategic Copywriter & Storyteller

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