The Capital Co-working Space

Althier Alianza

Art Director

Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Overview 🔎
Set the stage for your work, and provide some key details about this project. Introduce collaborators, and provide any context that will be helpful to keep in mind (ex. brand, company, or project owners).
Problem & Solution 🤝
Design Challenge: How do I come up with a logo and brand identity that would reflect the brand’s mantra, work-play environment and adapt the chosen brand name and idea behind The Capital?
Process 🛣
Ideation: The partners of the brand are all accountants and were frequenters of libraries, coworking spaces and study hubs themselves when they were still students. We saw the brand as a means of investing in knowledge, an intangible asset, through working on your goals by being at The Capital.
We developed a brand achetype and identity that would convey what we want the consumers to feel about the brand and aligned it with the key attributes and concept of The Capital.
We wanted the overall feel of the brand to be prime, innovative, friendly and productive. We wanted people who visit the space to feel that they’re home and at the same time engaged and productive.
We developed a dynamic color palette and illustration style to reflect the work-play environment. Since the main tool for marketing and promotion is through social media, we opted for a palette that allows adaptability in creation of materials and content and shows the multi-cultural and flexible personality of The Capital.
Results 🎁
Wrap up your project by highlighting your successes. If you’re able, highlight key metrics that were improved with the help of your project.

Add a quote from the client, independent, or any other relevant collaborators 🗣

Name Role
Takeaways 📣
What are some things you’ve learned from this project? Is there anything you’d do differently?
The Capital is a conducive co-working space for students and young professionals located at the University belt in Manila. It is a space that encourages productivity and motivation and values connection with other people. It is a focused environment for studying and working that inspires creativity, flexibility and growth.
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Posted Oct 10, 2022

Branding, Logo and Identity Design for a co-working space in Manila






Art Director

Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

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