Since that day, Zime and I have grown fond of each other. We spend most of our time out of our cells together. It’s a very restricted place here, there are so many rules. “You can’t do this or you can’t do that”. It was tough for me at first, having to obey all the rules. I mostly listen to myself and sometimes I would listen to Piper. The life that I was brought into has taught me that. It took me a little while to adapt and when I did, I finally accepted it as my new home. So I figured I’d help Zime adjust to our “new home”. I’ve shown her all my special places and she sometimes use them to read peaceful. And sometimes she reads to me. One of the quotes that kind of stayed with me from one of the books she’s reading is : “The world is your exercise-book, the pages on which you do your sums. It is not reality, although you can express ‘reality’ there if you wish. You are also free to write nonsense, or lies, or to tear the pages” by Richard Bach. When she noticed that it hit me, she wrote it down for me and advised me to past it where I’ll see it every time I wake up. And honestly it has started making me feel better about my life and the decisions I’ve made thus far. Another thing that has been helping me start to heal from the past and also adapt being here is therapy sessions with the Psychologist who adviced me to journal my feeling, thoughts and experiences. Time started to fly by whenever we were together, it started to feel like we never have enough time together. We’ve grown close, closer than I intended. She’s so easy to be with that is the reason why I let her in so easy.