Researching & Writing Lifestyle Articles for iNgudukazi Magazine

Carmel Kundai Makaya


Content Writer

Content Research

Google Docs


Background on the Magazine

iNgudukazi Magazine is a multi-award-winning publication from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The online publication celebrates Zimbabwean women, artists and businesses.
For the Independence-themed edition, I crafted a personal and informative piece on tips for solo travel, aimed at encouraging readers to embrace independence and adventure.
iNgudukazi Magazine
iNgudukazi Magazine

Challenges + Solutions

⚡ Challenge: Finding a unique story within the broader theme of Independence that stood out among other suggested topics
Solution: I drew from personal experience, thinking about where I have most-exercised my own independence over the past few years.
⚡ Challenge: Sharing about my personal experience in a way that is entertaining and informational for a broader audience
Solution: I decided to centre the article around actionable tips that tied into my personal experience, but didn't require the reader to know who I am.

The Project Process


As a rotating writer for the magazine, I was provided a monthly theme with which to base my pitches off of. From there, I collaborated with the Editorial Team to decide on what specific stories to pursue.


For the second month, the prompt was INDEPENDENCE. I ultimately decided to write an article about Solo Travel, after looking through the suggested articles provided. This is a subject near and dear to my heart, as a woman who never thought she would solo travel, but ultimately did.
I drew from my personal experience, as well as external research to create a narrative-driven article with actionable tips.


I edited the draft myself to ensure clarity, engagement, and alignment with the magazine’s standards.
Once the edited draft was ready and had undergone revisions and line-editing on my end, the Magazine Editor took a final pass at the article.


The article was approved, and it was my job to then format the article in the WordPress backend. I did so, adhering to the publication’s style guide and ensuring the article format was visually appealing
The Magazine Editor then scheduled the article for publication according to the Magazine's editorial calendar.

The Articles

I also published an article under iNgudukazi Magazine about Spring Cleaning.
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Posted Sep 12, 2024

I researched, wrote, and copyedited 2 lifestyle articles for a online magazine.






Content Writer

Content Research

Google Docs


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