Would You Just Calm Down?

Kam Bost

Content Editor
Blog Writer
T​ips and tricks to calming the mind from someone with terrible anxiety.
I​ remember my first anxiety attack. I was 8 years old and it was the night before starting 3rd grade at a new school. I had already experienced terrible bullying, so to say I was nervous is an understatement. I was terrified.
I​ remember going into my parents room thinking I was dying. I just kept crying and saying, "I can't breathe!" Finally it subsided and my parents went back to sleep. I did not.
I​ am now 23 and counting. I would like to think in the past 15 years I have learned a thing or two about how to calm down from these unexpected attacks. Honestly, some of these I learned after being diagnosed with autism at 22. While a meltdown and an anxiety attack are different, sometimes the triggers are the same and the experiences are similar. So, without further ado, here are some tips to calming the mind.

Shock the Senses!

M​y personal favorite is to chew really strong gum. My top choice for gum chewing is Trident's sour patch kid gum linked below. Every time I feel a meltdown or anxiety attack coming on, I just pop two of these in and chew. This allows for my brain to be "shocked" and focus on something else other than whatever is causing the overstimulation/anxiety. Will it work everytime? No. However, it definitely has saved me on multiple occasions.


I​ know, I know. Everyone says to journal, but it really does help! When everything is our of control, my bullet journal feels like my best friend. I can design the pages however I want. I can plan my day, color, doodle, write down accomplishements, or even just "thought dump." I really do have a page just for thought dumping things my mind won't let go, and it helps!

A​ccomodate, Acoomodate, Accomodate!

I have found so many tools that I use everyday to make my experience a little more bearable and prevent an anxiety attack before it happens. Noise canceling headphones or ear plugs are life savors. Reducing the level of stimuli the brain has to process can help reduce the likelihood of getting too overwhelmed. Loop is my favorite brand of earplugs because you can change the pieces to fit your ear perfectly, and they have different levels of noise blockage for what you need. The experience ones are my go-to.
O​verall, there is so much one can do to help prevent anxiety attacks. The first step is allowing yourself to make those changes. There is no shame in the mental health game! Once you remember that, you'll be unstoppable.
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