HeyMom iOS app

Lora Stokratiuk


UX Designer




App in production with beta users
Watch on YouTube


7 months, 2020-2021


Google sheets, Google forms, Lucid App, Notion, Adobe

My role

User Interviews, Observing users, Surveys, Analyzing and Synthesizing Data, Gain beta users and launch beta program


Me as UX researcher, Product designer, marketing executive, Technical founder, developer, mentors from Starta accelerator

Success goals

Build customer journey map
Gather and conduct interviews with beta users
Beta users become paying customers

Defining strategy


Heymom is a AI powered monitoring cameras and alert system for babies and caregivers.
In the year 2020 when we started to work together with a founder, the product joined the New York accelerator Starta, raised first funds and didn't have any users at that moment.

What we had

Right after joining accelerator, we had App and Hardware c


Limited resources - Our challenges were compounded by the absence of a comprehensive branding guideline, small team, and the non structured previous documentation and Figma files
Communication and Collaboration: Working along with the Founder and consultants from the Accelerator program we joined, we needed to maintain effective

UX and product research

We audited current hardware (cameras) and product UI/UX

Competitive analysis

We gathered all companies competitors

Analysed company size, type, marketing focus, product attributes, pricing packages, Funding, Key Competitor Differentiators, Competitive Priority, Social presence, User reviews, PR and distribution channels

Then we focused on details in:

Camera technology
Software features

Synthesizing Data

The most important part in our Competitors Analysis was synthesising data and aggregate the differentiate point.
What we saw as a Key in Software products was Custom content (Lullabies, Stories) and Custom notifications.

Our Persona - Family with kids under 5 years

"I want my kids to be safe and feel myself confident with knowing how they are doing when I'm at work"


25-50 years


IT specialist


Big city, outside area of big city


Partner/Married, have kids

Who is our family

Both parents work full-time . Sometimes it could be long hours.
Family has income above average.
Use babysitting services on a regular basis.
Already tried baby monitors and know what could be improved.


To spend less time watching baby monitor and be more focused on work.
Feel confident and aware of how children are growing while parents are away.

Frustration and pain points

No time to watch online regularly after kids and nanny (while using baby monitor).
Feel frustrated that current baby monitors do not alert parents when the situatio

Prioritization for Software app


Alerts of any potentially unsafe conditions within a child’s environment

Keep Track

Keeps track of your babysitter or nanny’s activities, letting you know if they are actively engaged with your child

Daily reports

Sends daily reports with data that reflects your
baby’s daily activities such as
naptime, playtime, etc.

Beta-Testing Program Goals

Short Term
Long Term

UX Beta testing process

User Journey Map

My goal was to create an actual User Journey Map with a Product we'd already had. After Beta program testing, we understood that there were some Software app functionality that was quit exiting for parents, but there was also a bit overwhelming feeling with Tasks daily setup.

Heymom product killing feature

Reflecting on the project outcome

What we did:

We conducted quantitative+qualitative research within more than 30 facebook parental groups. We also partnered with parental apps as referrals to get first customers.
After thorough qualification, we gathered 25 users for a beta program who tested the Heymom product for several weeks and stayed connected with us.

As a result, we got:

After gathering feedback, we started to implement it to the product roadmap.
We got first paying clients from beta users and partnerships channel.
Like this project

UX oriented research for iOS App - AI powered monitoring cameras and alert system for babies and caregivers.








UX Designer



Lora Stokratiuk

🧠 UX/Product Designer with a Psych Twist

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