Act two began, and for a moment, it
seemed as though maybe this play is not so bad after all. Curtains rose, and Wendy sang. Truthfully,
she did sound beautiful. It almost seemed as if everything that went wrong was
behind us, and maybe this play would end on a high note. The pirates marched onto
the stage, sang, danced, and stayed on beat., As I marched on stage, I looked
to my right, into the wings, and Mrs. Hale, with tears in her eyes, looked so
proud she could burst. In that moment, I wished this play would not succumb to
disaster. After dealing with commands and complaints with parents, she did
deserve a better outcome than she received. It was a beautiful moment, to see
her look as proud as she did. That single moment is one I could never forget.
All the previous chaos seemed to disappear, and it seemed as if Mrs. Hale had
achieved the impossible. I turned my
head towards the audience, and with thirty seconds left in our musical number,
I felt confident that this play would not be so terrible after all. Because
crazier things have indeed happened.