The project aims to convey the sense of anxiety experienced by individuals facing hate crimes in daily life locations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It visualized the fear of unexpected verbal and physical attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each game stage narrates hate crimes in 3 different places. The narratives are gathered by survey during the pandemic. It is for the audience to recognize ignorance towards Asian race discrimination.
The idea of the game was a combined 'Pop-up Pirate' game and acupuncture which is a component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body.
The game presents a metaphor for momentary and non-life-threatening behaviors through gameplay - to deliver the fear and feeling of getting hate crimes.
Used Cinema4D with Octane for 3D modeling and rendering texture. Produced the VR game by using the Unity game engine with a coder to give interaction.
3D Prototype:
It delivers the sense of unexpected fear from hate crimes by experiencing randomly pop-up movements during the game
Final 3D version
Stage 1: Supermarket (Illustrated viruses)
Stage 2: Train (Illustrated tears)
Stage 3: Night street (Illustrated uncomfortable attention)
Testing video:
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Posted Mar 23, 2024
VR game about Asian Hate Crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic.