Zapier - Frontend Engineer

Mariya Diminsky

Web Designer
Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer

Product, UX focused projects while working with JavaScript, React, Redux, GraphQL, TDD, Unit Testing, Enzyme, Jest, PropTypes and FlowTypes.

- Orchestrated an integral role as a highly productive member of sales and marketing team fostered collaborative interactions with product managers, data scientists, designers, QA, and other frontend and backend engineers.

- Participated in the creation of critical site features used today as well as codebase improvements using Agile Methodologies and - - Scrum via Slack, Google Docs, Trello/Atlassian/Jira, Zoom meetings, and quarterly in-person retreats.

- Worked on the overhaul of the billing page, and integration of GraphQL on the frontend.

- Upskilled new incoming engineers on the company's codebase and best practices to enhance overall team productivity.

- Revamped private blog and news web applications, leveraging React, Redux, and responsive web design in coordination with a Python Backend Engineer on both the API and efficient system design techniques.

  • Mentored incoming engineer via onboarding and best practices for frontend development.

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