
Tibère Debizet

Frontend Engineer
La Bonne Agence

Website presenting a fleet management software solution.


During a 3 month internship at La Bonne Agence, I was in charge of designing and developing the launch site for a new brand: Kivio.


Langage & Frameworks → TypeScript, AngularJS & Sass

Librairies → GSAP, SwiperJS & LocomotiveScroll

Tooling → ESLint, StyleLint, GitLab & Sonar


According to a small specification containing the main information that the site should deliver to the user, I had to design a user experience, a tree structure of the pages, and then a wireframe of the website. I then presented this work to the client and the agency's designer. After exchanges and modifications, the designer had a basis for designing an interface. I discussed with him what was feasible or not, especially in terms of interactions and animations.


I had a lot of time to experiment with interesting interactions: drawing SVG on scroll, drawing ThreeJS meshes on scroll, pinned section on scroll (by linking GSAP ScrollTrigger to LocomotiveScroll). Some of these experiments were not retained for the final version, you can find them on a secondary Git repo that I used for testing purposes.

Helped by a developer from the agency, I had to lead the codebase in a clean way: creation of separate Git branches, commits check via Sonar, pull requests and code reviews. This allowed me to understand how to keep a project maintainable over time.


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