“Ooh, so many… Don’t try to be rich, just try to have enough. Then you can relax and you can enjoy life, right? Life is to be lived, not watched. But when you’re caught on a treadmill you lose that. Sadly I didn’t learn that until I was well into my forties, late forties. Now look, I’m a barefoot hippie but I’ve never been happier! Like there’s two ways to be rich. You can work your butt off, work hard and your kids won’t know you. They’ll resent you because you weren’t there to watch softball, netball, basketball, whatever. So you can work your butt off. Or, desire less. When you desire less, all of a sudden you’re not lying in bed wondering how you’re gonna pay for this, pay for that, you’re not caught on that treadmill. There’s an Irish blessing they used to use in weddings up till about the 50’s or 60’s and it was simply, “may you have enough.”