This one also goes without saying but when I first started thrifting more seriously, I exclusively went to Goodwill. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but again, there is so much more out there, so it’s good to try new places! Once I started going to 360 Thrift, D.I., antique stores, and locally-owned thrift stores, my life was changed. You could even go as far as to search Facebook Marketplace, Offerup, Depop, Poshmark, and more. There are so many online platforms for people to sell unwanted items. (But a word of caution: sites like Depop and Poshmark are incredibly popular, and because of the popularity boom of thrifting in recent years, some of the pieces you find online are severely overpriced. You should not be paying more than thrift-store price for any secondhand hand-me-down. That being said, if you decide to sell your thrift finds, don’t be that person and charge an arm and a leg for your finds. Not only does that suck the fun out of it for everyone, but it defeats the entire purpose of thrifting and jeopardizes its’ good reputation.)