Ever since we planned our wedding, I’ve dreamt of what our lives would look like: our home, our kids (aka pets), our goals and dreams and aspirations. I’m a chronic list-maker, scheduler, planner-filler-outer, all that jazz. I LIVE for writing things down, making lists, keeping track of all of my thoughts somehow. I have so many random notebooks lying about the place with random pieces of information for random, unrelated topics. It’s a totally unorganized process, which is totally unlike me, but it’s a system that works for my brain (surprisingly). I love to draw floor plans, take pictures of empty spaces and edit furniture onto them, plan out outfits in advance. Ask my mother, I was notorious for reorganizing my room constantly when I was younger. I just love all the possibilities there are to make this space reflect the life that my husband and I have with our cats, and I’ve written down so many ideas and gave space to so many thoughts that are related to creating the life —this life—that I want.