Andy Hobday - Brand identity design & Framer website

Dan Hoye

Brand Designer
Web Designer
Framer Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Renowned game designer Andy Hobday approached me to create an online community tabletop gaming and fantasy & historical miniatures.

We kicked off with a strategy session to nail down his personal brand identity and tone of voice.

Then I whipped up a brand identity system that included logos, brand fonts, a fresh colour palette and an illustrative style of icons.

We created a brand identity that felt down-to-earth and inclusive, whilst bringing the genre of gaming up-to-date with a shot of modernity.

Finally, I created a website in Framer that included a blog section for Andy’s musings and a game page that could collate all of his various projects. Plus an email subscription form that would gather email addresses for future mail-outs and to help build the community. 

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