EV Charging App & Website

Salung Prastyo


Mobile Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer


This project is a part of my exploration design collections. I found an idea to create exploration based on EV charging apps, because right now everywhere is going to go green. Started researching similar app designs on dribbble I also looked for some real apps to create my own exploration. I created the wireframe first, then made the explorations for the beginning style. After I got the style, I tried to create the other pages. Here are the results of the exploration.
Mobile app version
Mobile app version
This exploration is still in progress for other screens, such as the login, station details, and notifications. However, my goal is to create an intuitive UI and a functional app. Additionally, I am considering developing a website version to enhance accessibility. Here is the website version.
Website version
Website version
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Posted Jun 5, 2024

Explore the EV Charging App & Website. Dive into my detailed exploration of EV charging solutions. Discover more here.






Mobile Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer


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