Welcome to my portfolio website where I showcase my work and skills.
Live Website
You can visit the live version of the portfolio website by clicking here.
Preview Design Image
This image provides a preview of the design for the portfolio website. It serves as a visual representation of the website's layout and aesthetics.
Technologies Used
The portfolio website is built using the following technologies:
React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Sass: A CSS extension language that provides more flexibility and features.
TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
HTML: The standard markup language for creating web pages.
These technologies were chosen to create a modern, interactive, and responsive portfolio website with enhanced styling capabilities and type safety.
[Specify the license for your project, e.g., MIT License]
Feel free to customize this template further by adding additional sections or modifying the content to suit your preferences and specific details of your portfolio website.