Implementing and Designing WordPress or Squarespace Website
Teo Garza
Web Designer
Content Writer
Taking your current content and transforming it into a functional and lead-generating website.
Galveston Computer Solutions - WordPress
Recreated the Landing Page to include Services offered, a Testimonials section, and an Employee section.
Image of the Landing Page of Galvestion Computer Solutions, LLC
Created a child theme in order to add the chat application with JavaScript, which allowed the theme to be updated without deleting the added code. You may view the website here.
Abby Keepman Portfolio - Squarespace
Miss Keepman's website was originally plain text, with one page that held a few images and videos. I recreated the website's structure and created a landing page that showcased Abby's talents with calls to action to draw the user to view her complete portfolio and connect with her.
Picture of Abby Keepman's Portfolio Landing Page.
Part of my job was to redo the typography for the web version of her resume.