English Bootcamp

Maria Angel Milano

With the 6th lesson, this student and I had achieved goals after working on several activities, specifically oriented to his work development. What he needed the most was being able to communicate his ideas in English in order to become an important figure to the brand he works for. The lessons are always adapted to the personal and professional goals the student has.
The English Bootcamp was my personal project to stay focused and helpful during quarantine. I started to develop the content and created an interactive and very graphic learning method to explain every grammar tense in the simplest way. So it could be easy converted into achieving goals for my clients. Francisco was a very special student because he had a great career at a beauty company I actually admire, and he was about to become a spoker for the brand, but he needed to become better at English and he needed a bag of tools that he could take wherever he wanted to go. That's exactly what we kept in mind during our 7 lessons and now he is very confident at facing writing, reading and speaking situations.
The English Bootcamp was my personal project to stay focused and feel helpful during quarantine. I started to develop the content and created an interactive and very graphic english learning method to explain every grammar tense in the simplest way. So it could be easy converted into achieving goals for my clients. Francisco was a very special student because he had a great career at a beauty company I actually follow, and he was about to become a spoker for the brand, but he needed to become better at his English. He chose me because I offered him my complete attention and we agreed to adapt the bootcamp, the method to his needs. What he needed was a compound of tools that he could take wherever he wanted to go. That's exactly what we kept in mind during our 7 bootcamp weeks and now he is very confident at facing writing, reading and speaking at work related situations that require the correct use of this language.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: 7 weeks Budget: $310 Deliverables: • Know the grammar content of every Tense in English • Writing and reading with time and purpose understanding • Building sentences with a correct spelling and grammar.

Nunca había podido entender tan bien las diferentes aplicaciones que tienen los elementos de una oración dependiendo de su conjugación y ubicación en el texto! Ahora tengo una base sólida sobre la que construir mi vocabulario en inglés y mejorar 🚀

Francisco Aguilera Client
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Posted Sep 13, 2022

7 days program to learn English from Spanish, full of grammar content and guided activities to apply the knowledge.

María Ángel Milano
María Ángel Milano