Writing Exercise - Light On You By Alice Gray

Chloe Pyke

Google Docs

As a kid I was always afraid of the dark. As an adult, I welcomed the dark. Falling

into this side of things was easy. Face your fears. Face your enemies and defeat them.

Defend yourself. Until I saw her. The day our eyes locked, changed everything. The

only problem is, she lives in the light. Her golden hair blew in the wind, cradling her

head like a halo. And now I can't stop thinking about her. As they walked away from

negotiations, i swear she left a piece of her behind with me. A small kernel of light,

dancing swiftly in the corner of my eye. A heat under my skin, the power of it

slithering through my veins. I have to know her; To see her again. Watching her walk

back into the clear blue water, turning her head towards me one last time, I could

have sworn I felt her hand reach out for me. Salty spray caressing my cheek. But she's

gone; And it's dark. Suddenly, I feel like a child again, wanting to run away from the

dark and chase after the one thing that made me feel safe. To keep the light with me.

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