- IT Website (Design & Development)

Robert Rusu


WordPress Developer

Web Designer

Web Developer


The project aimed to achieve three primary goals: redesigning the website, enhancing user accessibility, and significantly improving page speed and SEO optimization.

Overview has undergone a major overhaul thanks to Enlivy. The website now boasts a more attractive design, improved user-friendliness, faster loading speeds, and better SEO optimization. Enlivy achieved this by integrating various plugins, converting hard-coded features into customizable formats, and developing advanced custom fields for better functionality. Additionally, custom post types were created to meet specific content requirements.

The objective

Enlivy had three main goals for their project: revamp the website’s design, improve user accessibility, and optimize page speed and SEO. Our team worked closely with BWW Media to rebuild with a new design that prioritized performance and user experience.

We paid close attention to every detail and made sure that the final product was in line with their specifications, and went above and beyond their expectations.
Our top priorities for the project:
Elevate the visual appeal, optimize the user interface (UI), and enhance the overall user experience (UX).
Introduce additional custom post types to cater to specific content requirements.
Optimize the website’s performance, with a particular emphasis on enhancing its Search Engine Optimization (SEO) speed.
Establish a secure and efficient user login and registration system.
Enhance the website’s efficiency by eliminating the use of external plugins and integrating their functionalities directly into the website’s theme.
Streamline the website’s administrative processes by transforming a substantial portion of its hard-coded features into a more accessible and easily modifiable format.

The Process

At the heart of our creative concept for the website redesign was a focus on user accessibility and speed. We sought to develop a contemporary and visually captivating design that not only appeals to the target audience but also prioritizes seamless and enjoyable navigation.
After finishing the first design phase, we conducted thorough usability testing to collect feedback and recognize areas that needed improvement. We took that feedback into account and refined key elements, including the layout, navigation, and filtering options, to enhance the user experience and provide a smooth and intuitive browsing process.
The development process commences with establishing the website’s general brand guidelines, followed by designing the new layout in Figma.
We collaborated with the client to design an intuitive and user-friendly homepage. We aimed to simplify navigation and help users find articles easily. We used clear sections and elements that effectively communicate article categories. We applied user-centric design principles to ensure visitors could access the content they needed quickly.

The Solution

We are excited to share that has undergone a successful redesign. Our team worked hard to plan, develop, and test the new design to meet our client’s needs and improve the user experience. By analyzing, strategizing, and implementing effectively, has become a sleek and cohesive IT platform that caters to its tech-savvy audience.
Key implemented elements and features include:
Implementation of Custom Post Types: As a part of the website redesign, we implemented 6 custom post types, replacing the previous single post type structure. View more.
Custom Panel Setting: We made a customized settings panel for our client’s website admins to easily manage various elements and configurations.
Implementation of New Gutenberg Blocks: We created custom blocks for the Gutenberg Builder, expanding its functionality and enabling users to create dynamic content.
Registration and Login Pages: We made a secure Register and Login page with advanced authentication to protect user credentials.
New and Improved Search Pop-Up: We overhauled the search functionality, integrating ElasticPress to boost performance and accuracy.
Ad Distribution System: Our advanced system automatically distributes traffic among sponsors using browser-based JavaScript, improving ad campaign effectiveness and ensuring a seamless browsing experience for users.
Responsive Menu: We created a responsive and intuitive menu that adapts to all devices, enhancing user navigation and interaction.
Improved SEO Performance and Speed: We optimized website performance and speed by leveraging Gutenberg Builder/Editor and implementing various optimization techniques, resulting in a faster and improved user experience.
Improvements for the Learning Center: We redesigned the learning center by adding a new registration form, and a new live system for conferences.
New & Modern Design: We have successfully implemented an elegant, contemporary design that embraces minimalism and aesthetics.

Result: Improved SEO Performance & Speed

To enhance website performance and speed, we utilized the capabilities of Gutenberg Builder/Editor and implemented a range of optimization techniques. By optimizing code, improving caching mechanisms, compressing images, and fine-tuning the loading process, we successfully achieved faster page load times, resulting in an overall enhanced and seamless user experience.
With our comprehensive maintenance package, Petri’s website score will progressively improve over time, bolstering its online presence through enhanced SEO metrics.

Results: Modern Design & Better User Accessibility

Our team has completed the delivery of a new and improved website that boasts modern aesthetics, streamlined content, optimized performance, enhanced SEO, and a user-friendly interface. Our clients are pleased with the outcome, as we met and even exceeded their expectations.
We have meticulously attended to every aspect of our content to enhance its appearance, streamline its navigation, and boost its overall performance. Moreover, the integration of SEO principles has significantly augmented our online visibility and amplified the discoverability of our content.
Our goal with the redesign of was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that enhances the overall user experience. We implemented sweeping changes aligned with the client’s specifications and surpassed their expectations. With these improvements, we elevated to a new level, providing a more engaging and intuitive platform for its users.
We wrote more than 30,000 lines of code while using the DRY coding principle when redesigning, which helped us reduce the number of lines of code and improve efficiency. This principle promotes code reuse, modularity, and maintainability, making the website’s architecture scalable and easy to extend. Following DRY allowed us to avoid duplicating code, saving time and effort.
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Posted Jul 11, 2024

The project aimed to achieve three primary goals: redesigning the website, enhancing user accessibility, and improving page speed and SEO optimization.






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