Leonel Ongai is a heavily traumatized young soldier insistent on escaping the perpetually deteriorating post-apocalyptic, futuristic world of Kusaguma by leveraging his superhuman abilities in the search for tranquility and meaning amidst the chaos. With its never-before-seen power system, Kusaguma features almost endless action in which characters fight with their own souls on the line. Each major battle is a dramatic clash of ideology and each arc uncovers new secrets about the intricate universe, encouraging readers to reflect deeply on its implications. In a world full of liars and thieves, who can Leonel trust but himself? But then again, who is he? Throughout the series, Leonel along with many other characters such as Farrel, Kazuya, George, and Eugene are, among other things, searching for truth, meaning, and rectification. Not only in the world, but within themselves. The mental and physical toughness required to navigate in the Kusaguma universe is great and many will be lost along the way. Only one thing in this world is certain. The fact that nothing is.