Get the FUNK Out! Quick Guide/Recipe for a Skunk Sprayed Do

Allison Tunin


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Get the FUNK Outta Fido! 🦨

(Quick Guide/Recipe to Get Skunk Funk Out of Your Dog)
Anyone who has EVER had their beloved pooch sprayed by a skunk, understands just how sick to your stomach the odor makes you feel.
(Imagine how poor Puppy feels with that sensitive nose 🥺)
Let’s get straight to it. Here’s how you GTFO (get that funk out).

1. Know what you’re dealing with.

This isn’t the same as doggie odor. Shampoo won’t cut it.
Skunks have two anal sacs of a naturally potent, chemical mix called thiols and thioacetates. They contain an oily sulfur, so the scent latches on right away to whatever it touches (like fur or clothes). It’s REALLY hard to remove once it’s set, because the chemicals bond fast to whatever they touch first. That rotten-egg smell can drift up to a half mile away, and STILL stick to other things.

2. Move fast.

For heaven’s sake don’t wait for the groomer! The sooner you catch that nasty odor, the better chance you’ll have of eliminating it. And no matter what, do NOT let your dog inside the house or car or you’ll be smelling that gut-punching fume for weeks (or even months) on end.

3. Prepare for battle.

This isn’t going to be easy. You can throw out the tomato juice and vinegar. We need something stronger.

BUT FIRST: ALWAYS check to see if your dog has been cut or bitten. If you see ANYTHING that looks like punctured skin, call your vet immediately. Skunks carry rabies and other nasty diseases. Don’t take any chances.

If you have a squirmy pooch who isn’t fond of bathing, you’ll need a helper. Gather everything before you start, and prepare yourself for a mess.

Here’s the recipe and what you need to do:

Quick Homemade Skunk Removal Recipe

1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup of baking soda
2 teaspoon of DAWN dish soap
2 cups warm water
Make sure ALL ingredients are fresh. Don’t use expired or “extra strength” materials and expect great results. Safety first.

Other things you’ll need:

Plastic bucket with handles
Thick rubber gloves up to your elbows
Wear old clothes (the scent will go right through an apron)
Eye protection if your dog is a wiggle worm
Wet your dog's fur till it’s dripping and immediately massage the concentrated mixture into your puppy's fur. Watch out for the eyes and nose. Use the whole mixture! Do not store any leftovers.
Let the solution soak in for at least ten minutes. No more than twelve, though. It’ll start to bleach the fur.
Flush the fur thoroughly with clean COLD water. Hot water will set the oils and make it even harder to remove.
Follow up with regular dog shampoo and another few flushes of cold, clear water. DO NOT REUSE TUB WATER. You will undo all your hard work.
Dry your pooch with towels in the sunlight and fresh air if possible to help kill off the chemicals. If there’s no sun where you are or if it’s too cold to go outside, use a dryer set on cool. (Again, hot sets the odor.)
Fact check: Skunks are busiest when it’s dark. So, don’t let your dog roam during the early morning or late night hours. Keep your space free of loose trash or food that’ll attract the black & white critters. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Remember your dog is the one who has to wear that nauseating scent, so act fast.
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Posted Sep 14, 2024

I wrote this short 600 word dog blog as a quick guide. The goal was to keep it short and to the point, while being engaging. I created the image as well.






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