Password Manager Tool

Prottoy Dev


UI Designer


Password Manager

It is a project from a Udemy course


Password generation with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Saving passwords along with associated website and email.
Searching for saved passwords.

Getting Started

To use the password manager, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Make sure you have Python installed.
Install required packages like pip install pyperclip and other modules
Run the code to understand it properly.

How to Use

Generate Password: Click the "Generate Password" button to create a strong password.
Save Password: Enter the website, your email, and a password. Click "Add" to save the details.
Search Password: Enter the website and click "Search" to retrieve the saved password.
Like this project

This password manager is a tool developed in Python that allows users to generate, store, and retrieve passwords for basically any type of website/social media.






UI Designer


Prottoy Dev

Data Scraper, ML Engineer, Email Marketer

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